

That's me and Billary. As usual, In The Pink Texas (Say It Ain’t So) is dead on and much more eloquent than I. So, while I want to belive that Bill's tactless and possibly racist statements earlier this week about Obama were innocent, I don't know that I can swallow that pill. I think I see that Billary are determined to say whatever needs to be said to get to the goal, for the greater good, ends justify the means, etc. And I'm not sure I'm ok with that. I've always been turned off by that side of politics.

I've been worried about Obama's lack of experience. His lack of depth and unknown ability to work the delicate political climate of our country and the world to get what needs to be done done. But lately I've been rethinking it, due in part to this article in the Daily News by Robert Dallek, author of a biography of JFK and a professor of history at BU. Mr. Dallek comments on the latest comparisons between Obama and JFD and states very clearly "When it comes to experience, Obama is no John Kennedy." However more interestingly, makes a much more important observation regarding the importance of experience in a President's ability to lead well. "An examination of Kennedy's own record - and of the broader sweep of history - leads us to this critical conclusion: Obama's lack of experience shouldn't be considered a liability. Many of our most experienced Presidents have made disastrous choices. In the long life of the republic, judgment trumps experience, almost every time."

Lately I wonder about Billary's judgment. But don't you think it sucks if he screws it up for her again?

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