
Free Cellphone Services

Two new services that I wanted to share with everyone that reads my blog (which is really no one) because I think they are amazing:

1. Google's new free directory service - 1-800-466-4411 very handy and will save me $$$.

2. Jott - voice messages turned into text messages to anyone you register. It has some extras that are very useful. You can set reminders or ask it to search for an item on Amazon and it will email you link of the search.

1 comment:

Candy said...

I read it! :-) I use Google's texting for phone numbers, weather, etc etc... http://www.google.com/intl/en_us/mobile/sms/

I like Jott and I use it with a client, but I don't like the idea that it's transcribed by a human, so I'm careful about what I use it for. Silly, I know.