That's me and Billary. As usual, In The Pink Texas (Say It Ain’t So) is dead on and much more eloquent than I. So, while I want to belive that Bill's tactless and possibly racist statements earlier this week about Obama were innocent, I don't know that I can swallow that pill. I think I see that Billary are determined to say whatever needs to be said to get to the goal, for the greater good, ends justify the means, etc. And I'm not sure I'm ok with that. I've always been turned off by that side of politics.
I've been worried about Obama's lack of experience. His lack of depth and unknown ability to work the delicate political climate of our country and the world to get what needs to be done done. But lately I've been rethinking it, due in part to this article in the Daily News by Robert Dallek, author of a biography of JFK and a professor of history at BU. Mr. Dallek comments on the latest comparisons between Obama and JFD and states very clearly "When it comes to experience, Obama is no John Kennedy." However more interestingly, makes a much more important observation regarding the importance of experience in a President's ability to lead well. "An examination of Kennedy's own record - and of the broader sweep of history - leads us to this critical conclusion: Obama's lack of experience shouldn't be considered a liability. Many of our most experienced Presidents have made disastrous choices. In the long life of the republic, judgment trumps experience, almost every time."
Lately I wonder about Billary's judgment. But don't you think it sucks if he screws it up for her again?
Strange and Nasty Plants
I just found my son's next birthday present. It's a science/gardening kit to grow 5 weird and wonderful plants. Square tomatos! Venus fly trap! He'll love it.

Consensus Clear--Clowns Creepy

I have always had a phobia of clowns. Chucky just sealed the deal for me.
This is Science?
Big Brain Theory: Have Cosmologists Lost Theirs? - New York Times
In a nutshell, the probability of our whole world and all of us occurring is less likely than our brain(s) occurring by its(them)selves out in the universe. Not just our brains, but our consciousness, too. So, we might be creating our whole world (you are creating me, this blog written by me for you to read, American Idol (shudder), Masterpiece Theater for you to not watch and news about wars and natural disasters that aren't really happening) in our minds--these free floating brains. Man, try to make a movie out of that.
I'll admit it, when I first started reading the article I thought, huh, cosmetologists? These cosmologists don't do facials or mani-pedis. What they do is sit around and smoke pot and play the "what if" game with lots of fancy numbers. I mean, I don't doubt these folks are smarter than me, but I do wonder; what they are doing to benefit our world?
Perhaps they can answer my questions, such as what happens when two bubbles rub against each other. Is that how Medium can see dead people? Or where the Matrix is? What about the concept of a greater being? You know, Yaweh, an omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent being? What is the probability of that thing? Deep thoughts people. My head hurts.
In a nutshell, the probability of our whole world and all of us occurring is less likely than our brain(s) occurring by its(them)selves out in the universe. Not just our brains, but our consciousness, too. So, we might be creating our whole world (you are creating me, this blog written by me for you to read, American Idol (shudder), Masterpiece Theater for you to not watch and news about wars and natural disasters that aren't really happening) in our minds--these free floating brains. Man, try to make a movie out of that.
I'll admit it, when I first started reading the article I thought, huh, cosmetologists? These cosmologists don't do facials or mani-pedis. What they do is sit around and smoke pot and play the "what if" game with lots of fancy numbers. I mean, I don't doubt these folks are smarter than me, but I do wonder; what they are doing to benefit our world?
Perhaps they can answer my questions, such as what happens when two bubbles rub against each other. Is that how Medium can see dead people? Or where the Matrix is? What about the concept of a greater being? You know, Yaweh, an omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent being? What is the probability of that thing? Deep thoughts people. My head hurts.
NYT Dr. calls it like it is
Crisis? Maybe He’s a Narcissistic Jerk - New York Times
What do you think? Do you think midlife crisis is an excuse or a serious illness?
I think people go through lots of crises and do crazy things because of them. Depression, anxiety, divorce, death, these are all valid reasons for a "crisis". We recommend people get professional help. Shouldn't we recommend these men (and an occasional woman) get professional help. Not that this would excuse the behavior. That's all for them and their loved ones to deal with, once they get their head straight.
What do you think? Do you think midlife crisis is an excuse or a serious illness?
I think people go through lots of crises and do crazy things because of them. Depression, anxiety, divorce, death, these are all valid reasons for a "crisis". We recommend people get professional help. Shouldn't we recommend these men (and an occasional woman) get professional help. Not that this would excuse the behavior. That's all for them and their loved ones to deal with, once they get their head straight.
Stardust - a review

It's not very often that a movie captivates me and makes me want to run out and buy it. I've got a very small collection at home; most are my husband's or my kids'. Sometimes an amazing movie comes along, with the right touch of whimsy, music, joy and hope, and I have to have it. It's been a while since I've wanted to own a movie. The last one was Chicago.
A quick synopsis of the movie off of Amazon reads: Escape into the enchanted world of chivalry and romance in Stardust, an epic tale starring Claire Danes with Michelle Pfeiffer and Robert De Niro. In hopes of wooing a beautiful girl (Sienna Miller), Tristan (Charlie Cox) promises to bring her a falling star. But he’s in for the adventure of his life when he discovers the star is actually a celestial beauty named Yvaine (Danes) When an old witch Lamia (Pfeiffer) attempts to steal Yvaine’s youth, Tristan must protect her at all costs, in this magical family adventure that will make you fall in love over and over again.
While the characters' names may make you think of Tristan and Isolde and it is a story about lovers, it's not that story. It's got a lot of The Princess Bride's magic that crosses gender divides and has a message for kids and adults. It doesn't have the one-liners the way PB does, but I haven't watched it 20 times, yet. Still, I found myself more introspective after this movie. Perhaps it's just where I am today. But it made me think about what I am doing with my life, how I think about what others say or think or feel. And it reminded me of the great love of my life and how sometimes I take that love for granted.
I was surprised to see that the original story was written by Neil Gaiman, but I guess I shouldn't be. I have several of his books on my wishlist and I know people go nuts for his stuff, but I have yet to get my hands on one of his books. I do remember reading a few of his Sandman comics a long, long time ago, maybe early 90's. By the way, if you haven't seen a picture of Mr. Gaiman, check out the wikilink above, he's hot.
About halfway through the movie, I turned to my dad and said, this reminds me of The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, a fun, whimsical, lighthearted Terry Gilliam fest.
Michelle Pfeiffer is glorious as the evil witch, the dead brothers are hysterical as a motley, greek chorus to the inevitable tragedies of each prince, and De Niro is having fun (you can tell) with his character.
Rent it and let me know what you thought. Stardust (Widescreen Edition): DVD: Michelle Pfeiffer,Robert De Niro,Claire Danes
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