Too cute for words. Makes a momma proud.
OMG not again!
Go ahead, review it carefully, just like I did. Take your time. This is what science says, so it's incontrivertible. I look like the Gipper. Yes, and Joey Fatone-who?, and Heather Locklear on what was obviously one of her really bad days. I don't even know who the first chick is. I kinda agree with Marianne Faithful, and Susan Sarandon--why thank you very much! It also had a young Jon Voight (with the cowboy hat and slightly longish blonde hair and cleft chin) as number 9 at 52%, but I couldn't choose one of the first 8 to throw out, because it's so interesting. I look like Jon Voight's half sister.
Amazing personalized recipe book!
I hate giving Hallmark gifts. You know the kind. The one you pick up at the Hallmark store, CVS, even your local grocery store when you forget to get a gift for someone. My husband is to blame. He is the king of thoughtful gifts. Honestly, his mother is really to blame. My deceased-before-we-married mother-in-law (I know many of you will say is the best kind of mother-in-law) was a saint. Sure it's easy to saint someone when the are dead, but she was one of these super PTA moms. She was a stay at home mommy and baked holiday cookies like crazy, huge trays of them for every neighbor, friend and business acquaintance. So maybe that's why I'm thinking of her these days. She taught him and he taught me the beauty of a well thought out gift. To do this, you have to think about the person, what he or she likes, dislikes and loves and try to find a gift that will be useful to them or bring them joy. Sometimes it's something simple they mentioned in passing that they needed but hadn't made time or wanted to spend the money to get themselves (gloves, a wallet, a new purse). But sometimes you have to be a little more creative to figure out what they might like based on their hobbies and interests. A wine book for a winelover, a netflix subscription for the movie buff.
Other times you find a product that screams a certain person's name to you. Tastebook is falls into this second category. I have a friend who is a wonderful cook and baker. She has tons of cookbooks, she swaps recipes and always make the best dish for our monthly potluck. I've stopped trying to outcook her. I just enjoy what she brings to the table and try not to burn my part. A cookbook from Tastebook is perfect for her. I wish I had found it sooner. Tastebook is a compilation of recipes that you can choose from or add your own bound in a hardback binder with gorgeous pictures. You can even add your own pictures of your kids (for grandma) or from a vacation or fun memory. I will be ordering one for her soon. I can't wait! Create cookbooks, search recipes, share recipes
Other times you find a product that screams a certain person's name to you. Tastebook is falls into this second category. I have a friend who is a wonderful cook and baker. She has tons of cookbooks, she swaps recipes and always make the best dish for our monthly potluck. I've stopped trying to outcook her. I just enjoy what she brings to the table and try not to burn my part. A cookbook from Tastebook is perfect for her. I wish I had found it sooner. Tastebook is a compilation of recipes that you can choose from or add your own bound in a hardback binder with gorgeous pictures. You can even add your own pictures of your kids (for grandma) or from a vacation or fun memory. I will be ordering one for her soon. I can't wait! Create cookbooks, search recipes, share recipes
Foodpairing rehearing
Apparently, these flavor trees under the Foodpairing Trees are supposed to help give you ideas of new combinations to try with the main ingredient. So, that explains my love of say, coffee and chocolate(duh), chocolate and raspberries, coffee with my migas (eggs, tortillas and salsa). Some of their suggestions are out there. But who am I to argue with science? Nope, not me. Tomorrow morning its oysters and coffee for breakfast.
Foodpairing - attempting to explain what we taste
This is a fantastically interesting site that attempts to break down the flavors we taste in common foods to explain why certain combinations work--"foodpairing", or how we can substitute one food for a combination of others--"interchangeable." I love this kind of food science.
One of my favorite books is called Cookwise by Shirley Corriher, which dissects the science behind how cooking affects food, and then goes on to describe how to cook and combine different foods to get the desired texture, flavor and smells. This site is a tangent of the work in that book (not that they are related) just in my own head.
Because I love artichokes with an intensity and consistency that boggles my mind, here you have THE AMAZING ARTICHOKE:
This is a fantastically interesting site that attempts to break down the flavors we taste in common foods to explain why certain combinations work--"foodpairing", or how we can substitute one food for a combination of others--"interchangeable." I love this kind of food science.
One of my favorite books is called Cookwise by Shirley Corriher, which dissects the science behind how cooking affects food, and then goes on to describe how to cook and combine different foods to get the desired texture, flavor and smells. This site is a tangent of the work in that book (not that they are related) just in my own head.
Because I love artichokes with an intensity and consistency that boggles my mind, here you have THE AMAZING ARTICHOKE:

Because I'm vain
I'm in the middle of chewing in this picture (I said before that I didn't have a good picture of myself!) I do admit that my mother looks exactly like Zsa Zsa, so I probably do have some resemblance.

So, I tried another photo from the same exact day.
What do you say when both Julia Roberts, Chevy Chase, Barak Obama, Uday Hussein(!) with a nasty 5 o'clock shadow and VIN DIESEL supposedly look like you!@!$@#$%? I should be flattered with the Julia, Nancy and Eva comparisons, but I'm fixated on the men. I'm insulted! I don't look anything like Vin Diesel. Notice also that there is not one repeat between my first picture and second. And let's get real. I look nothing like Julia, Nancy or Eva. If I did I wouldn't be here blogging to no one.
Here are my husbands' look alikes. NO Vin! Notice there are no women in his look alikes! Argh!

And, I tried another one of cute hubby:

Again, none of them are the same. Of course, my pictures suck, so I don't blame them. I think they have done an incredible job and it's a lot of fun!

So, I tried another photo from the same exact day.
What do you say when both Julia Roberts, Chevy Chase, Barak Obama, Uday Hussein(!) with a nasty 5 o'clock shadow and VIN DIESEL supposedly look like you!@!$@#$%? I should be flattered with the Julia, Nancy and Eva comparisons, but I'm fixated on the men. I'm insulted! I don't look anything like Vin Diesel. Notice also that there is not one repeat between my first picture and second. And let's get real. I look nothing like Julia, Nancy or Eva. If I did I wouldn't be here blogging to no one.
Here are my husbands' look alikes. NO Vin! Notice there are no women in his look alikes! Argh!
And, I tried another one of cute hubby:
Again, none of them are the same. Of course, my pictures suck, so I don't blame them. I think they have done an incredible job and it's a lot of fun!
Celebrity Look Alike Software or How to Waste Time at Work
Condoleeza Rice? That Ciara chick looks nothing like Nat. She's just got her head tilted the same way. The only one I see remotely similar is Norah Jones. I think Nat is just too beautiful for comparison!
Now this is funny. My son has mostly women look alikes, but their percentage matching is much closer than my daughter. I don't think any of these folks look like him (he's much more beautiful!). Where do they get Serena Williams! And whoever Conner Oberst is, he looks nothing like my kid. Oh well. I would try myself, but I have so few pictures of me, I can't find one that is straight on.
Go check it out, it's a blast and I think the finished product is slick.
National Registry
I met the company that created this website at a seminar this weekend and I thought it is a great idea. It's a website where you can check to see if a deceased friend or family member has left behind unclaimed retirement benefits. Often these benefits are not listed in the State Unclaimed property website. I'm going to send the link to a friend that is active with Estate attorneys. These are the attorneys that frequently handle wills, estates (probate), guardianships and trusts for people. You must have the person's social security number to search the National Registry.
The Meaning of Life
Randy Pausch, a Carnegie Mellon University professor with only 3-6 months to live, gives his Last Lecture on campus as part of a speaker series. This lecture speaks to the heart of what life is, and what to do with it. Read up People!
Layer Tennis?
I've never heard of it. Not that I should have--I'm not in that industry, but this is the neatest internet game/competition. These guys are so creative. I hope they have a blast and generate a ton of business for themselves. Ok, check it out: Coudal Partners' Layer Tennis Presented by Adobe CS3
I've never heard of it. Not that I should have--I'm not in that industry, but this is the neatest internet game/competition. These guys are so creative. I hope they have a blast and generate a ton of business for themselves. Ok, check it out: Coudal Partners' Layer Tennis Presented by Adobe CS3

xkcd - A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language - By Randall Munroe
My new favorite daily comic.
Germs taken into space can come back meaner than before
HITCHHIKER: Wherever humans go, germs are along for the ride.
POWERFUL: Scientists sent salmonella on a space shuttle and found that it killed mice in space more quickly than initially identical germs on earth.
CHANGES: Researchers found 167 genes had changed in the salmonella that went to space, possibly due to a force called fluid shear.
September 24, 2007 - 4:24 p.m. Copyright 2007, The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP Online news report may not be published, broadcast or redistributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press.
Who knew the AP had a sense of writing style.
Ok, so I haven't had time to blog in forever, although there have been times when I have wanted to. But this is so cool, I have to share.
I love when nature does her funky thing and shocks the H-ll out of us. Check out this picture of giant spider webs at Lake Tawakoni State Park (in Texas, 45 min. from Dallas).

This site has a chronology of the discovery of the web, including comments from Kim Feuerbacher, who happened upon the web a few weeks before it was discovered by the park rangers. She describes what she and her son saw on a bike ride as something out of a science fiction movie. The webs were about 9 feet high and strung across several trees and bushes.
It also describes the discovery by the scientific community of the types of spiders that created the phenomenum. The excitmement of the discovery is palpable. I loved reading about it.
Check out this email from one entemologist just last week:
From: Hank Guarisco/FHSU
Date: 09/06/2007 03:04PM
Subject: spider aggregation at Lk Tawakoni
I have answered the call of the park manager, Donna Garde, for a spider
specialist to check things out. I have been here for several days and am
making some very interesting observations. Do you know of any
Tetragnatha species that has exhibited this kind of behavior? I don't.
The females are actively building webs at night, and the males wander
around. They are often only 1-3 inches apart. It is really amazing. I
heard you identified about 10 species that Mike Quinn sent to you. Would
you please send me the list via email? I am glad you verified the
Tetragnatha guatemalensis. I recognized Neoscona crucifera (only a few),
Larinioides cornutus, Phidippus audax, Agelenopsis and probably
Barronopsis texana, Argyrodes elevatus and their distinctive egg sacs,
Paraphidippus aurantius, Eris militaris, one Argiope aurantia. There are
many Larinioides that come out at night and build webs over everything.
I have seen 2 instances of adult male T. guatemalensis feeding on penultimate males of the same species, five predation events of P. audax on the Tetragnatha, 4 mating events. The egg sacs are everywhere and they are hatching out. The spiderlings start
building webs among the silk strands which are going everywhere. Deep inside, there is Anelosimus studiosus, but not as obvious or common as I originally suspected.
I have been in contact with Gail Stratton, and she advised me concerning what to focus on. It is quite overwhelming at first! A lot of fun. I hope to return in a few weeks to take more data for a paper in JOA concerning the facultative aggregation.
Hank Guarisco
Adjunct Curator of Arachnids
Sternberg Museum of Natural History
Fort Hays State University
I wish I could go see it, but since our September is booked, I'm grateful for those that have posted pictures on the web for us to see.
Ok, so I haven't had time to blog in forever, although there have been times when I have wanted to. But this is so cool, I have to share.
I love when nature does her funky thing and shocks the H-ll out of us. Check out this picture of giant spider webs at Lake Tawakoni State Park (in Texas, 45 min. from Dallas).

This site has a chronology of the discovery of the web, including comments from Kim Feuerbacher, who happened upon the web a few weeks before it was discovered by the park rangers. She describes what she and her son saw on a bike ride as something out of a science fiction movie. The webs were about 9 feet high and strung across several trees and bushes.
It also describes the discovery by the scientific community of the types of spiders that created the phenomenum. The excitmement of the discovery is palpable. I loved reading about it.
Check out this email from one entemologist just last week:
From: Hank Guarisco/FHSU
Date: 09/06/2007 03:04PM
Subject: spider aggregation at Lk Tawakoni
I have answered the call of the park manager, Donna Garde, for a spider
specialist to check things out. I have been here for several days and am
making some very interesting observations. Do you know of any
Tetragnatha species that has exhibited this kind of behavior? I don't.
The females are actively building webs at night, and the males wander
around. They are often only 1-3 inches apart. It is really amazing. I
heard you identified about 10 species that Mike Quinn sent to you. Would
you please send me the list via email? I am glad you verified the
Tetragnatha guatemalensis. I recognized Neoscona crucifera (only a few),
Larinioides cornutus, Phidippus audax, Agelenopsis and probably
Barronopsis texana, Argyrodes elevatus and their distinctive egg sacs,
Paraphidippus aurantius, Eris militaris, one Argiope aurantia. There are
many Larinioides that come out at night and build webs over everything.
I have seen 2 instances of adult male T. guatemalensis feeding on penultimate males of the same species, five predation events of P. audax on the Tetragnatha, 4 mating events. The egg sacs are everywhere and they are hatching out. The spiderlings start
building webs among the silk strands which are going everywhere. Deep inside, there is Anelosimus studiosus, but not as obvious or common as I originally suspected.
I have been in contact with Gail Stratton, and she advised me concerning what to focus on. It is quite overwhelming at first! A lot of fun. I hope to return in a few weeks to take more data for a paper in JOA concerning the facultative aggregation.
Hank Guarisco
Adjunct Curator of Arachnids
Sternberg Museum of Natural History
Fort Hays State University
I wish I could go see it, but since our September is booked, I'm grateful for those that have posted pictures on the web for us to see.
I bookmooch. Here is a sample of books I'm offering up for mooch.
Get books online from
Get books online from
Liberty Fitness My Women's Health Club
Great food tracking website with nutritionist on staff that will answer your questions! It makes me a shopping list and helps me track my weight loss.
Liberty Fitness My Women's Health Club
Liberty Fitness My Women's Health Club
CANDY HEARTS: Brains need love too.
WOW! I got 100 on a Mental Floss quiz!
CANDY HEARTS: Brains need love too.
Score: 100% (10 out of 10)
CANDY HEARTS: Brains need love too.
CANDY HEARTS: Brains need love too.
Score: 100% (10 out of 10)
CANDY HEARTS: Brains need love too.
BookMooch: a community for exchanging used books (book swap and book exchange and book trade)
Did I mention that I bookmooch? come mooch from me. BookMooch: a community for exchanging used books (book swap and book exchange and book trade)
YouTube - SNL - Digital Short - A Special Christmas Box *Uncensored Ve
I love Andy Samberg! I think he's hunky, in that very smart, creative, MOT way. I'm not even that much older than him. Ten years, we could have a Demi-Ashton thing. This is hysterical:
YouTube - SNL - Digital Short - A Special Christmas Box *Uncensored Ve
But this is my all time fav, probably because I have a crush on Natalie Portman, too.
YouTube - SNL - Digital Short - A Special Christmas Box *Uncensored Ve
But this is my all time fav, probably because I have a crush on Natalie Portman, too.
February bookswapping log
Books I Have Sent:
Dragon DelaSangre to DianeO (bookring)
Witchling to noumena12
Women's Ways of Knowing: The Development of Self, Voice, and Mind to Potok-fan
Winter’s Tale to bookmoocher
Between the Lions: Reading for Parents book to bookmoocher
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants to CdnBlueRose for Giz-angel’s M-bag
Our Man in Havana to bookmoocher
East of Eden to CheriePie
Books Ready to Send:
???? to Heaven150 for Fall into Books Sweeps (waiting to hear where and how she's doing)
Hot & Bothered to Juliet for RVBB (waiting for trip to PO)
Silver Flame to ??? for RVBB
Revolutionary Women: Gender and the Socialist Revolutionary Role to AlterEgoZoe
Liberty Falling to caseyw (waiting for me to gather a few surprises for caseyw)
White Oleander (bookring)
More Lipstick Chronicles: Book II by E. Carmichael, V. Leiber, K. Shay to nursie for RVBB
Sleeping Through the Night: How Infants, Toddlers, and Their Parents Can Get a Good Night's Sleep by Jodi Mindell for EVBB
Agnes Browne by Brenden O'Carroll for EVBB
Nothing But Good Times Ahead by Molly Ivins for EVBB
Faking It by Jennifer Crusie
The Hours (bookring)
Books TBR:
The Smile of the Lamb to Karinalyssa
A House for Mr. Biswas to Saraddee
My Cousin Rachel: Is She Angel or Fiend? to Sanddanz
One Door Away From Heaven to Giz-Angel (reading)
Angry Wives Eating Bon Bons to bookgal
"K" is for Killer for EVBB
Johnny Angel by Danielle Steel for RVBB
Blaze by Susan Johnson for RVBB
Candy-is-Dandy, Teachie and katybean's M-Bag:
The English Patient to candyisdandy from me
RABCK to candy from Noumena12
The Pearl Diver to Candy from midwinter
The Redemption of Althalus to _____ from midwinter
Books Headed This Way:
The Cryptographer from fireflywishes
Neurotica from Rosie
Milk in My Coffee from Sand
The Right Address by Carrie Karasyov, Jill Kargman (FamFatale)
Barry Trotter and the Shameless Parody from darkpunkangel
edited 2/6/07
Dragon DelaSangre to DianeO (bookring)
Witchling to noumena12
Women's Ways of Knowing: The Development of Self, Voice, and Mind to Potok-fan
Between the Lions: Reading for Parents book to bookmoocher
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants to CdnBlueRose for Giz-angel’s M-bag
Our Man in Havana to bookmoocher
East of Eden
Books Ready to Send:
???? to Heaven150 for Fall into Books Sweeps (waiting to hear where and how she's doing)
Hot & Bothered to Juliet for RVBB (waiting for trip to PO)
Silver Flame to ??? for RVBB
Revolutionary Women: Gender and the Socialist Revolutionary Role to AlterEgoZoe
Liberty Falling to caseyw (waiting for me to gather a few surprises for caseyw)
White Oleander (bookring)
More Lipstick Chronicles: Book II by E. Carmichael, V. Leiber, K. Shay to nursie for RVBB
Sleeping Through the Night: How Infants, Toddlers, and Their Parents Can Get a Good Night's Sleep by Jodi Mindell for EVBB
Agnes Browne by Brenden O'Carroll for EVBB
Nothing But Good Times Ahead by Molly Ivins for EVBB
Faking It by Jennifer Crusie
The Hours (bookring)
Books TBR:
The Smile of the Lamb to Karinalyssa
A House for Mr. Biswas to Saraddee
My Cousin Rachel: Is She Angel or Fiend? to Sanddanz
One Door Away From Heaven to Giz-Angel (reading)
Angry Wives Eating Bon Bons to bookgal
"K" is for Killer for EVBB
Johnny Angel by Danielle Steel for RVBB
Blaze by Susan Johnson for RVBB
Candy-is-Dandy, Teachie and katybean's M-Bag:
The English Patient to candyisdandy from me
RABCK to candy from Noumena12
The Pearl Diver to Candy from midwinter
The Redemption of Althalus to _____ from midwinter
Books Headed This Way:
The Cryptographer from fireflywishes
Neurotica from Rosie
Milk in My Coffee from Sand
The Right Address by Carrie Karasyov, Jill Kargman (FamFatale)
Barry Trotter and the Shameless Parody from darkpunkangel
edited 2/6/07
Bookswapping List
Well, I found my December list of books to send and receive through Google's cache. may be gone forever. With it goes my Mellonhead's Garden Blog. I"m thinking of renaming this blog, since I really loved that name. Or I might just delete this one and start a new blogger blog with that name (is it taken?). For now, I need a place to store my list - and this time I"m keeping a copy on my PC.
Books I Have Sent:
Itsy-Bitsy Spider and What Does Baby See? to Pyan
Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen to Inkkafl.. - arrived
Bet Me to Helly77
the switch to Rosie for giz-angel's M-Bag - mailed and arrived!
Dragon DelaSangre to DianeO (bookring)
Ender's Game to Bibliocrates (these took a side trip to caseyw! oops!)
The Corrections to Bibliocrates
Wings (The Bromeliad Trilogy, Book 3) to Aramada (bookmooch)
Booked to Die to Bookmoocher arrived
???? to mystery partner for New Book for a NewYear Book Exchange
More Spagetti, I Say to nwpassage
The Sky's the Limit to nwpassage (bookray)
Your Inner Physician and You : Craniosacral Therapy and Somatoemotional Release, 2nd Ed. to bookmoocher
Witchling to noumena12
Women's Ways of Knowing: The Development of Self, Voice, and Mind to Potok-fan
An Idiot Girl's Christmas (bookring) passed on to marinaw
Books Ready to Send:
???? to Heaven150 for Fall into Books Sweeps (waiting to hear where and how she's doing)
Hot & Bothered to Juliet for RVBB (waiting for trip to PO)
Silver Flame to ??? for RVBB
Revolutionary Women: Gender and the Socialist Revolutionary Role to AlterEgoZoe
Love Overboard to ??? for RVBB
Liberty Falling to caseyw (waiting for me to gather a few surprizes for caseyw)
Books TBR:
The Smile of the Lamb to Karinalyssa
A House for Mr. Biswas to Saraddee
My Cousin Rachel: Is She Angel or Fiend? to Sanddanz
One Door Away From Heaven to Giz-Angel
Angry Wives Eating Bon Bons to bookgal
A Promising Man (About Time too) to ?? for RVBB
White Oleander (bookring)
Candy-is-Dandy, Teachie and katybean's M-Bag:
The English Patient to candyisdandy from me
RABCK to candy from Noumena12
several books on their way from midwinter
Books Headed This Way:
Beauty's Release from wss4
Encyclopedia Brown finds the Clues from caligula03
Sushi for Beginners from totoroandmei
The Cryptographer from fireflywishes
Kick Ass from nmz
Sex, Lies And Vampires needmorezoloft
The Ha-Ha from krin155
Neurotica from Rosie
Milk in My Coffee from Sand
Jane: a Novel from appaloosatb
Mama, Let's Dance from appaloosatb
Maria Looney and the Cosmic Circus from appaloosatbMore Beautiful Braids from appaloosatbThe Old Synagogue from appaloosatb
White Oleander from bibliocrates
Pride and Prejudice from Katayoun
Rebekah: Women of Genesis by Orson Scott Card (Catwoman)The Right Address by Carrie Karasyov, Jill Kargman (FamFatale)
Bookcrossers that been superstars for one reason or another:
southernfryed (all 12 Left Behind books RABCK)
FifthElement (in trade sent 3 books!) sent 2 books
KimKerry (sent bookbox for release challenge with 10 or 11 books!)
JenLuvsBooks (RABCK)
tireddeb (RABCK)
edited 12/21/06
Books I Have Sent:
Itsy-Bitsy Spider and What Does Baby See? to Pyan
Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen to Inkkafl.. - arrived
Bet Me to Helly77
the switch to Rosie for giz-angel's M-Bag - mailed and arrived!
Dragon DelaSangre to DianeO (bookring)
Ender's Game to Bibliocrates (these took a side trip to caseyw! oops!)
The Corrections to Bibliocrates
Wings (The Bromeliad Trilogy, Book 3) to Aramada (bookmooch)
Booked to Die to Bookmoocher arrived
???? to mystery partner for New Book for a NewYear Book Exchange
More Spagetti, I Say to nwpassage
The Sky's the Limit to nwpassage (bookray)
Your Inner Physician and You : Craniosacral Therapy and Somatoemotional Release, 2nd Ed. to bookmoocher
Witchling to noumena12
Women's Ways of Knowing: The Development of Self, Voice, and Mind to Potok-fan
An Idiot Girl's Christmas (bookring) passed on to marinaw
Books Ready to Send:
???? to Heaven150 for Fall into Books Sweeps (waiting to hear where and how she's doing)
Hot & Bothered to Juliet for RVBB (waiting for trip to PO)
Silver Flame to ??? for RVBB
Revolutionary Women: Gender and the Socialist Revolutionary Role to AlterEgoZoe
Love Overboard to ??? for RVBB
Liberty Falling to caseyw (waiting for me to gather a few surprizes for caseyw)
Books TBR:
The Smile of the Lamb to Karinalyssa
A House for Mr. Biswas to Saraddee
My Cousin Rachel: Is She Angel or Fiend? to Sanddanz
One Door Away From Heaven to Giz-Angel
Angry Wives Eating Bon Bons to bookgal
A Promising Man (About Time too) to ?? for RVBB
White Oleander (bookring)
Candy-is-Dandy, Teachie and katybean's M-Bag:
The English Patient to candyisdandy from me
RABCK to candy from Noumena12
several books on their way from midwinter
Books Headed This Way:
Beauty's Release from wss4
Encyclopedia Brown finds the Clues from caligula03
Sushi for Beginners from totoroandmei
The Cryptographer from fireflywishes
Kick Ass from nmz
Sex, Lies And Vampires needmorezoloft
The Ha-Ha from krin155
Neurotica from Rosie
Milk in My Coffee from Sand
Jane: a Novel from appaloosatb
Mama, Let's Dance from appaloosatb
Maria Looney and the Cosmic Circus from appaloosatbMore Beautiful Braids from appaloosatbThe Old Synagogue from appaloosatb
White Oleander from bibliocrates
Pride and Prejudice from Katayoun
Rebekah: Women of Genesis by Orson Scott Card (Catwoman)The Right Address by Carrie Karasyov, Jill Kargman (FamFatale)
Bookcrossers that been superstars for one reason or another:
southernfryed (all 12 Left Behind books RABCK)
FifthElement (in trade sent 3 books!) sent 2 books
KimKerry (sent bookbox for release challenge with 10 or 11 books!)
JenLuvsBooks (RABCK)
tireddeb (RABCK)
edited 12/21/06
Reason, Season and Lifetime
People always come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.
When you figure out which it is, you know exactly what to do.
When someone is in your life for a REASON,
it is usually to meet a need you have expressed outwardly or inwardly.
They have come to assist you through a difficulty,
or to provide you with guidance and support,
to aid you physically, emotionally, or even spiritually.
They may seem like a godsend to you, and they are.
They are there for the reason you need them to be.
Then, without any wrong doing on your part or at an inconvenient time,
this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end.
Sometimes they die. Sometimes they just walk away.
Sometimes they act up or out and force you to take a stand.
What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled; their work is done.
The prayer you sent up has been answered and it is now time to move on.
When people come into your life for a SEASON,
it is because your turn has come to share, grow, or learn.
They may bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh.
They may teach you something you have never done.
They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy.
Believe it! It is real! But, only for a season.
And like Spring turns to Summer and Summer to Fall,
the season eventually ends.
LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons;
those things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation.
Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person/people (anyway);
and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas in your life.
It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.
Thank you for being part of my life.
Used with permission
~©Brian A. "Drew" Chalker~
People always come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.
When you figure out which it is, you know exactly what to do.
When someone is in your life for a REASON,
it is usually to meet a need you have expressed outwardly or inwardly.
They have come to assist you through a difficulty,
or to provide you with guidance and support,
to aid you physically, emotionally, or even spiritually.
They may seem like a godsend to you, and they are.
They are there for the reason you need them to be.
Then, without any wrong doing on your part or at an inconvenient time,
this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end.
Sometimes they die. Sometimes they just walk away.
Sometimes they act up or out and force you to take a stand.
What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled; their work is done.
The prayer you sent up has been answered and it is now time to move on.
When people come into your life for a SEASON,
it is because your turn has come to share, grow, or learn.
They may bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh.
They may teach you something you have never done.
They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy.
Believe it! It is real! But, only for a season.
And like Spring turns to Summer and Summer to Fall,
the season eventually ends.
LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons;
those things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation.
Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person/people (anyway);
and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas in your life.
It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.
Thank you for being part of my life.
Used with permission
~©Brian A. "Drew" Chalker~
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