I love the fugly girls at gofugyourself.com. It's a daily injection of levity for a boring working mom with little glamour in her life. One of the things I love about them (besides their willingness to come clean about their obsession with 90210) is the level-headed reasoning behind their commentary. The site itself may be judgmental, but IMO it's based in sound reason.
One very good example is their take on the
Miley/Hannah photoshoot scandal. It's not like Miley was trying to be
Marilyn or anything. She's 15! She's growing up - and she's gorgeous. She is just what I want my little girl to think of when she is 15. Don't you think if we deny they are sexual around that age, they'll freak out when they figure it out on their own? I do. I think we need to haul that one out of the closet and allow them to try out a place in between the Madonna (not that Madonna, the Virgin Mary one) and the Whore (ole Mary M.). Because frankly, the Madonna gets old and they're looking for the in between. If we don't acknowledge it and allow them to find it, they'll go straight to the only other option they know, and we don't need any more little boys with mommas in rehab.